Powershell: Getting the IP Address, FQDN and MAC Address of Each Domain Controller

I was asked to get a baseline for generating reports within AD.  The two important pieces of information which were required to generate these reports were the ip address and FQDN of each domain controller.  The script would then connect to each individual system to gather data.  While I was at it, I added the MAC Address just to see what other pieces of data would be useful out of the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class.

#Enter the fqdn of your forest/domain
$fqdn = "fully.qualified.domain.name"
#Create Empty HashTable
$ht = New-Object psobject | Select FQDN, MACAddress, IPAddress

#Enumerate Domain Controllers
$context = new-object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext("Domain",$fqdn)
$dclist = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::findall($context)
ForEach ($strComputer in $dclist) {
	#Get IP Info of each DC
	$colItems = GWMI -cl "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" -name "rootCimV2" -comp `
                $strComputer.name -filter "IpEnabled = TRUE"
	ForEach ($objItem in $colItems){
        $ht.FQDN = $strComputer
        $ht.MACAddress = $objItem.MacAddress
        $ht.IPAddress = $objItem.IpAddress

Powershell: Using PoSH to Search Across Multiple Domains in Forest

I was recently asked to get a quick report of all Windows 7 computers within a multi-domain AD forest.  After banging my head into the keyboard for a while, I finally figured it out.  The script below should do the trick.

Also, if you use the OperatingSystemVersion attribute, you will find that Server 2008 R2 shares version “6.1 (7600)”.  So, the best way to find Windows 7 only, is to search for “Windows 7*” with the wildcard character against the OperatingSystem attribute.  That will ensure all Windows 7 versions are returned and will exclude Server 2008 R2 from your results.

#Get Domain List
$objForest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
$DomainList = @($objForest.Domains | Select-Object Name)
$Domains = $DomainList | foreach {$_.Name}

#Act on each domain
foreach($Domain in ($Domains))
	Write-Host "Checking $Domain" -fore red
	$ADsPath = [ADSI]"LDAP://$Domain"
	$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($ADsPath)
	$objSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(operatingSystem=Windows 7*))"
	$objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"

	$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
	foreach ($objResult in $colResults)
		$Computer = $objResult.GetDirectoryEntry()