List All User Object Attributes in Active Directory Schema.. Whew!

Here is a little script I put together for one of our developers here at Aerojet. Feel free to use, abuse, change, tweak, fix, etc.

Here is a zip file of the script:

'*  Script name:   List All Attributes.vbs
'*  Created on:    01/28/2009
'*  Author:        Andrew J Healey
'*  Purpose:       Exports all attributes from the user object type within
'*                 the Active Directory schema.
'*  Usage:         cscript /nologo "list all attributes.vbs" > Attributes.csv
'*  History:       Andrew J Healey 01/28/2009
'*                  - Created script
Option Explicit

Dim objUserClass : Set objUserClass = GetObject("LDAP://schema/user")
Dim objSchemaClass : Set objSchemaClass = GetObject(objUserClass.Parent)

wscript.echo chr(34) & "Mandatory" & chr(34) & "," & _
			 chr(34) & "Name" & chr(34) & "," & _
			 chr(34) & "Syntax" & chr(34) & "," & _
			 chr(34) & "Single/Multi Valued" & chr(34)

Call GetAttributes(objUserClass.MandatoryProperties,objSchemaClass,True)
Call GetAttributes(objUserClass.OptionalProperties,objSchemaClass,False)

Private Sub GetAttributes(x,y,z)
	Dim strAttribute
	'Loop through all attributes
	For Each strAttribute in x
		Dim strOut : strOut = ""

		'Compares whether the attribute is mandatory or optional
		'Prints whether mandatory/optional and name of attribute
		If z = True then
			strOut = strOut & chr(34) & "Yes" & chr(34) & "," & _
							  chr(34) & strAttribute & chr(34) & ","
			strOut = strOut & chr(34) & "No" & chr(34) & "," & _
							  chr(34) & strAttribute & chr(34) & ","
		End If

		'Get the attributes syntax: i.e. Integer, String, NumericString, etc.
		Dim objAttribute : Set objAttribute = y.GetObject("Property",  strAttribute)
		strOut = strOut & chr(34) & objAttribute.Syntax & chr(34) & ","

		'Determines whether column holds multi or single values
		If objAttribute.MultiValued Then
			strOut = strOut & chr(34) & "Multi" & chr(34)
			strOut = strOut & chr(34) & "Single" & chr(34)
		End If
		'Print string to screen. Each line its own CSV.
		wscript.echo strOut
		strOut = Empty
	Set objAttribute = Nothing
	strAttribute = Empty
End Sub


  1. You probally already know this but
    by adding a few lines you can ouput this to a file:

    ‘* Script name: List All Attributes.vbs
    ‘* Created on: 01/28/2009
    ‘* Author: Andrew J Healey
    ‘* Purpose: Exports all attributes from the user object type within
    ‘* the Active Directory schema.
    ‘* Usage: cscript /nologo “list all attributes.vbs” > Attributes.csv
    ‘* History: Andrew J Healey 01/28/2009
    ‘* – Created script

    ‘ ****** add code *********

    Set WSHShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
    Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
    objpath = WshShell.SpecialFolders(“Desktop”)
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objpath)
    For Each objFile In objFolder.files
    If objFile.Name = “users.txt” Then
    objFile.Delete True
    End If
    Set objfile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(objpath&”ad.csv”, True)
    set objfile = nothing
    Set objfile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objpath&”ad.csv”, 8, True)

    ‘ ****** end add *********

    Dim objUserClass : Set objUserClass = GetObject(“LDAP://schema/user”)
    Dim objSchemaClass : Set objSchemaClass = GetObject(objUserClass.Parent)

    ‘ ****** change code – from *********

    ‘wscript.echo chr(34) & “Mandatory” & chr(34) & “,” & _
    ‘ chr(34) & “Name” & chr(34) & “,” & _
    ‘ chr(34) & “Syntax” & chr(34) & “,” & _
    ‘ chr(34) & “Single/Multi Valued” & chr(34)

    ‘ ****** change code – to *********

    writeme = chr(34) & “Mandatory” & chr(34) & “,” & chr(34) & “Name” & chr(34) & “,” & chr(34) & “Syntax” & chr(34) & “,” & chr(34) & “Single/Multi Valued” & chr(34)

    ‘ ****** end change code *********

    Call GetAttributes(objUserClass.MandatoryProperties,objSchemaClass,True)
    Call GetAttributes(objUserClass.OptionalProperties,objSchemaClass,False)
    Private Sub GetAttributes(x,y,z)
    Dim strAttribute
    For Each strAttribute in x
    Dim strOut : strOut = “”
    If z = True then
    strOut = strOut & chr(34) & “Yes” & chr(34) & “,” & chr(34) & strAttribute & chr(34) & “,”
    strOut = strOut & chr(34) & “No” & chr(34) & “,” & chr(34) & strAttribute & chr(34) & “,”
    End If
    Dim objAttribute : Set objAttribute = y.GetObject(“Property”, strAttribute)
    strOut = strOut & chr(34) & objAttribute.Syntax & chr(34) & “,”
    If objAttribute.MultiValued Then
    strOut = strOut & chr(34) & “Multi” & chr(34)
    strOut = strOut & chr(34) & “Single” & chr(34)
    End If

    ‘ ****** change code – from *********

    ‘ wscript.echo strOut

    ‘ ****** change code – to *********


    ‘ ****** end section *********

    strOut = Empty
    Set objAttribute = Nothing
    strAttribute = Empty
    End Sub

    ‘ ****** add code *********
    Set objDomain = Nothing
    set objfile = nothing
    set objfso = nothing
    Wscript.Echo “AD file created, DONE”
    ‘ ****** end add *********

  2. I ran the script and got an compilation error, “Sub expected”. I ran it on a domain computer with an administrative user account. Is this supposed to be run from the Domain Controller itself?

  3. Hi!

    How can I add fields in the Attributes Editor: attribute = extensionAttribute5 SharepointOBS to all user accounts that have not

  4. Just found your script and it was really useful. I added a small tweak to suit my need of seeing the OID. Just had to add a line to print out the OID column header in the first echo statement.
    chr(34) & “OID” & chr(34) & “,” & _
    and then in the GetAttributes function/method after printing the Syntax portion
    strOut = strOut & chr(34) & objAttribute.Oid & chr(34) & “,”

    We need OID for doing some attribute mapping on a Shibboleth instance at our University. Great script!

  5. This is exactly what I’m looking for! I am having an issue exporting to a file though. I copied and pasted ‘mikep’ code to output it to a file and I get an compile error. Can someone please show me what I need to tweak to export this to a file?

  6. I tried to used the script for a user in AD,
    but i get the error that the mandatoryproperties doesnt works with my useraccount

    “Dim objUserClass : Set objUserClass = GetObject(“LDAP://CN=testUser,OU=OU-Admin,OU=Users,DC=Test,DC=LOCAL”)”

    maybe there is my issue?

  7. Thanks for the script just what I needed. Save the VBS script and run the following command from powershell to export the results to file.
    cscript YOUR.VBS >output.txt

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